my corner

for you



welcome to my ..

needy streamer overload shrine !

my story with needy streamer overload

i downloaded the game back in febuary '24 and i loved it ! i love the contrasting aesthetics as well. in the best way possible playing this game is like taking care of a mentally ill high maintenance tamagotchi. i've also finished reading the manga !

about the game

the game is about p-chan (you, the player) helping ame-chan become the #1 internet angel by reaching 1 million followers within a month. everyday p-chan chooses what activities ame-chan will do to get ideas for streams, and every activity will raise or lower 3 stats; stress, affection and mental darkness. only at night is when she transforms into her alter ago, omgkawaiiangel (kangel), and starts streaming. during the live streams, you are tasked with deleting inappropriate comments or highlighting them for kangel to read. at the end of every activity or stream, ame will post on tweeter on her omgkawaiiangel account, then post to her private account where she expresses her real thoughts. there are 27 endings, and your stats directly points to whatever ending you receive.


ame-chan, a girl with black hair styled into messy pigtails using red hair ties, fair skin, black eyes (the left one being cover by her bangs) and a jirai kei like style, combining white, black and red accents
   name: ame-chan

   alias: rain

   gender: female

   birthday: may 5th

   eye colour: black
ame-chan is the main character of needy streamer overload. she is an aspiring streamer with the goal of becoming the #1 internet angel. she is a very lonely, insecure and sensitive girl and is very obsessive over p-chan. despite being an adult otaku herself, she shows extreme hatred towards adults and her audience's nerdy tendencies. she is very unstable and engages in self-destructive behavior like self harm and drug usage thoughout the game. in the manga, ame is revealed to have been diagnosed with bipolar disorder. the manga isn't canon however game ame is also implied to deal with one or more unspecified mental disorders. ame was raised in a poor household with neglectful parents who argued a lot before eventually divorcing. her mother also nearly forced her into prostitution for money before ame ran away from home and hopped between whichever friend group that'd let her in, then moving in with p-chan.

as kangel, ame-chan wears a platinum blonde wig with a purple gradient on the bangs, blue-pink pigtails, bright blue contacts and a holographic seifuku
   name: omgkawaiiangel

   alias: kangel

   gender: female

   birthday: july 7th

   eye colour: blue
kangel is ame's alter ego while streaming. as kangel she puts on a manic pixie dream girl persona and pretends to be really kind and sweet. she flirts with her fans, especially the nerd types. unlike ame-chan, she is incredibly bold and talks condescendingly (yet lovingly) to haters and fans.

p-chan is represented as a pink cat
   name: p-chan

   alias: none

   gender: unknown

   birthday: unknown

   eye colour: black
p-chan is you, the player. we never see how p-chan looks like, they are only represented with pink cat emojis. ame-chan nicknamed them p-chan because, to her, they are perfect, her partner and her producer. p-chan is in charge of taking care of ame, as well as telling her what to do everyday. p-chan helped bulid ame's streaming setup and in her streams, p-chan is in charge of deleting comments and highlighting superchats. in the secret.txt file, which you can only open in the true ending, it is revealed that p-chan is actually an illusion, an imaginary friend to help ame cope.