my corner

for you



hello ! do you need any help ?


              ꒰ coping with depression ꒱

   set small targets that you can easily achieve

   prioritise convenience - for example, if you have trouble motivating yourself to clean your room; have a rubbish pile, a clean clothes pile, a dirty clothes pile, etc. if you have trouble motivating yourself to eat; eat small snacks throughout the day instead of preparing full meals !

   basic hygiene can be hard, so when you do have a shower its best to just do everything in there at once. wash yourself, brush your teeth, whatever you need to do

              ꒰ handling anxiety ꒱

   do not bottle your feelings up ! you need a safe space to release all that anxiety. need someone to talk to? click here

   avoiding situations that make you anxious doesn't help. slowly build up time spent in worrying situations to gradually reduce anxiety

   don't put your energy into things you cannot change, put it into helping yourself feel better

   question what your anxiety is telling you, is it really rational ?

              ꒰ overcoming trauma ꒱

   suppression won't heal you - talk about what happened with a trusted person, don't bottle your feelings up !

   remember the way you were treated was not your fault and your past experiences does not determine who you are now

   you can't change what happened, but you can heal from it

              ꒰ dealing with anger issues ꒱

   when you feel your anger escalating, try to remove yourself from the situation and take a few minutes to step away and collect your thoughts

   remember that other peoples attitudes are out of your hand, and that it's not their fault for not acting exactly how you'd like them to

   learning to communicate your feelings in a respectful and calm manner can help conflict from escalating

              ꒰ talk or vent about your issues ꒱

   first of all, i'm proud that you are open to talking about you feelings !

   if you live in the uk, you can call or email samaritans

   if you're out of the uk, here is a list of hotlines for your country

   you can always talk to a trusted friend or family member, though some people don't like being vented to unpromptedly, so do ask if you can vent first !

   i know that ai is a controversial subject, but if you don't have anyone else to talk to you can use

              ꒰ tips for dermatillomania ꒱

   remember that one relapse doesn't take away all your progress so far - your recovery goal should be to maximise the amount of time between skin picking rather than stop completely. stopping completely is an unrealistic goal and will just make you feel worse if you relapse again

   take it easy on yourself - the best thing you can do now thats you've relapsed is to look after yourself. wash your skin to decrease the chance of infections and make yourself comfortable

              ꒰ not caring what others think ꒱

   why occupy your mind with what others think of you when you can simply enjoy life ?

   just carry on being, people that go out of their way to bully you are probably not nice people anyway, so why take their opinions to heart ?

   accept that other people have and will continue to have opinions about you. unfortunately avoiding judgment isn't possible

              ꒰ supporting a struggling friend ꒱

   offer your support ! even if they refuse your help, they now know you care

   make them feel loved ! bake them cookies, compliment them, etc

   if they are in immediate danger, please call your countries hotline

   make sure to take care of yourself too :)

              ꒰ tips for distracting yourself ꒱

   are you distracting yourself from something you need to confront ? think about it

   observe the weather ! what shapes are the clouds ? can you count how many stars you can see ? what phase is the moon in ?

   play with a pet ! or play some games !

              ꒰ how to age regress subtly ꒱

   adult colouring books !

   stuffie keychains instead of bringing a stuffie everywhere

   an agere playlist !

   sucking on a lollipop instead of a paci

   fidget toys disguised as jewellery ! for example one of those rings that spin on your finger, or some chewlery !

              ꒰ being a good friend to someone with autism ꒱

   listen to them infodump about their special interests/hyperfixations ! and ask questions to be engaged

   when they're non verbal, its better to ask yes or no questions. and don't try to force them to talk

   ask them what you can do to help when they're overwhelmed

   get to know their preferences !

   be open to different ways of connecting, some examples are; squeaks, hums, imagery, etc